Working with Media Cybernetics Sets

Saving Sets in the Media Cybernetics Sets format

New or modified data sets can be saved using the ‘Media Cybernetics Sets’ format, which has the extension ‘.mcs’. 

With a new or modified set as your active document, select Save As from the File Management View.

Set the file name. Select Media Cybernetics Sets from the drop-down menu of valid file formats and navigate to your save location before clicking Save.

Note: Both an .mcs file and folder of images are saved.

Media Cybernetics Sets Format Options

After clicking Save As from the File Management view and selecting the Media Cybernetics Sets format, click More Options… to show a Save As dialog with check boxes to Use Original Files and Save As Sequences.

Use Original Files

When saving sets that were imported from a collection of individual image files, or that were opened from an existing .mcs dataset, you can save the set in the media cybernetics sets format without re-saving the original image files by selecting Use Original Files.

A new .mcs file is added to your save location without an accompanying folder of images. The original raw images will be used to assemble the set whenever you open the .mcs file from your save location.

Saves As Sequences

With this option selected, each channel image is saved in the sub-folder as a single multi-frame sequence TIF file. 

If the option is not selected, then each source location in the set will have one single-frame TIF file written for it, usually resulting in many more files in the set sub-folder.

Opening Media Cybernetics Sets

When opening Media Cybernetics sets, always select the *.mcs file, don’t open files from the accompanying folder of files.